The BCE Heartbeat
"Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day!"
Winter temperatures have already been brutal this year! Taking care of your skin in the winter is very important. Dry skin can be itchy and painful encourage your child to apply lotion at least once a day if not more often and especially after bathing or coming into contact with water such as when washing your hands. School Nurses see many children with severely dry skin this time of year, as well as chapped lips to the point of bleeding. Children and adults alike should keep Chap Stick handy and reapply often. Vaseline works well too. Another important habit to maintain year round is staying well hydrated by drinking water. Water is helpful in keeping the skin healthy from the inside out. Even in the winter it is easy to get dehydrated. Another issue in the winter can be frequent nosebleeds which can be a sign of overly dry air. Heaters run the most at night when it is the most cold outside which can dry out the air in your home. Run a humidifier in your home to help keep moisture in the air. This will also help your home feel warmer. Using a nasal saline spray or simply rub Vaseline on the inside of your nasal passageways will help reduce nosebleeds by keeping passageways moist. Remember to always protect your skin when outdoors in cold weather with gloves, mittens, scarfs, and a hat and of course a warm coat! Wear layers on a really cold day!
FAST FACTS: 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. 2. Lack of water is the number one cause of daytime fatigue. 3. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or a printed page. 4. Even mild dehydration will slow down a person's metabolism as much as 3%. 5. Often thirst is mistaken for hunger, triggering an increase in appetite. 6. Your body is 60% water. 7. Water must constantly be replaced in your body. You can survive about a month without food but only a few days without water. 8. Water helps with digestion and aids in absorbing nutrients into your body. 9. Water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. 10. Water helps with proper cooling of the body through sweating.
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December 2021